
What is Positive Self Talk?

What is Positive Self Talk?

The voice inside your head has a major impact on the way you feel, act and react. Sometimes, even out of habit we have negative self-talk, which can change the way you feel. Practicing positive self-talk is essential to a healthier lifestyle and reducing stress. Bring your awareness to your self-talk and create positive mantras and statements to create a healthy habit of positive self-talk.

Positive self talks statements/ mantras examples:

I can do this

I feel energetic and happy

I choose to be present

I am confident

I am beautiful

I am grateful and aware of all the beauty around me

Focus on these positive mantras and enjoyable moments in your life, be present be aware, be positive.

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella

3 Tips for Living Mindfully


3 Tips for Living Mindfully

In this busy world we live in today, how can we practice living in the present? Living Mindfully

Being mindful, being in the moment, helps release our worries.

  1. Doing things that make us happy and nurturing relationships is one of the most worthwhile ways to spend you time. Haven’t seen an old friend in a while? Call them today, set a date and enjoy the quality time you can spend together.
  2. Noticing the state of your emotion is another way to live mindfully. Being fully aware of the state of emotion, your feelings, helps to ground yourself, so if your feeling love absorb that love, if your feeling grateful show that gratitude. Promoting these positive emotions can help ground yourself and practice living more mindfully.
  3. Set a daily intention, practicing mantras through out the day can help drive an intention and direct a specific energy out in to the universe and trusting that it will be received, whether the intention is a wish, a focus or a feeling, practicing these daily positive mantras can help you live more mindfully daily.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella

Guided Meditation (How To Begin!)


Practicing guided mediations can help ground yourself, elevate symptoms of stress and practice mindfulness.

Guided mediations can be simple, couple minute exercises to more detailed elaborate exercises.

One I often ask clients to practice is the beach-guided mediation, very simple.

To begin, sit yourself down in a quiet comfortable place. Start off with some deep breathing exercises, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Use your 5 senses to ground yourself. Once comfortable envision your on a beach, It’s a beautiful, relaxing, comfortable, safe, serene beach. Use your 5 senses again and imagination to incorporate being on this beach, stay at this place for a couple minutes. Remember to consciously do deep breathing throughout the exercise.

At the end of the exercise open your eyes, and see it as taking a small little relaxing trip. Practicing mindfulness and guided mediations over time can help lower stress levels, so get started today.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella

Self-Esteem Collage (an exercise for your creative side)

We all could use a boost in self-esteem and self-confidence, so how about an exercise that can elicit our creative side to improve our self esteem and self-confidence. A self-esteem collage is a great way to do this. Pretty simple, what you need to do is first put on your creative hat, next get a plain sheet of paper, poster board, or what ever you choose. Grab some old magazines and start to cut out some pictures that reflect or represent your skills, strengths, goals, hobbies, accomplishments, hopes, likes, things that make you smile and people you admire in your life. After you create this collage take a moment to step back and check it out, reflect on the items you have placed on your self-esteem collage. Next post it somewhere that you can check out and see often, perhaps behind you door, or in your closet so when you open it up you see your self esteem collage and all these positive components placed on it. This exercise will elicit and help you reflect on all the positive items you have surrounding you. So get ready, get set, start your engine, put on your creative hat, and create your self-esteem college today!

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella

Self-Care (what is it, really?)


Self-care is so essential for us to practice on a daily basis. So what really is self-care? Self-care doesn’t mean that we need to mediate each day, or attend a yoga or soul cycle class (although these are great ways to practice self care) it could simply mean taking a shower, putting away your laundry, taking a walk outside. Doing anything that’s healthy and safe and makes you smile can be in form self-care. So today’s the day to begin, what can you do to practice self-care? If I may suggest write a list of 10 positive items in your life and take a moment to reflect on them. Practicing self care is proven to lead to a healthier mind, body and soul, so get your self-care on today!


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella