How to elicit a routine?

Some of us love routine. Some of us fight them to no end. But in the end psychology confirms that routine is extremely beneficial for our mental health and wellness. Let’s open up the secret benefits of having a routine.

First let’s discuss,

What’s the definition of routine?

According to Merriam-Webster defines routine as, “a commonplace or repetitious character; or relating to, or being in accordance with established procedure routine business.”

So why do we need routines?

What’s the benefit of having a routine?

Here’s some benefits of having a routine:

-Having control of your life because you have a structure or routine

-Having a routine can make your day go easier, start your day off on a good foot

-Routine lowers stress

-Routine in hand helps you get a better nights rest

-Routines give you more time to yourself because you have more structure

-Health benefits of having a routine

-Elicits creativity

-Elicits productivity

-Routine increases happiness

-More time for the fun stuff

-Improve and better interpersonal relationships, more time for you makes for time for friends

-Better focus and concentration

-More productive at work and within your career

According to

Here’s ways a routine can support your health:

“There are some things that you can make a part of your daily routine to help manage stress levels. These include:

  • Staying active and getting regular daily exercise
  • Making sure that you are well-rested
  • Eating healthy meals on a regular schedule
  • Setting realistic goals
  • Trying to stay positive
  • Preparing for challenges but not ruminating on things you can’t control
  • Staying in touch with friends and family members
  • Setting aside time for activities that you enjoy”

So now how do we create a routine?

According to Dr. Orma on

“How to create a great routine”

Dr. Orma has some advice: “Sit down with a pad of paper and write out everything you do each day over the course of a week. See what you can cut or reduce. Then see what you can set as a normal routine, something you do at a set time each day or week. It has to work with your lifestyle. If you like to stay up late, getting up early as part of your routine may not work.” Once you have your routine, give it a little time and it’ll start to feel like second nature but if you realize something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it. Sports psychologist Dr. Jim Taylor, an expert on the power of routine for athletes in training, tells me: “It can be worthwhile to alter routines periodically to keep things fresh and stimulating.” This is another secret bonus of routines: once you’ve established one, the merest of tweaks can totally revitalize your day.”

So now that we have defined routine, now we understand the benefits of it and how to implement it. So the question is are you ready to begin? I encourage to start a routine and regimen today, your body and mental health will thank you.

Learn more about New Day Vitality.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D