Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Slow Healing


Slow healing is most definitely something to celebrate friends.

Let’s talk about healing

How often I hear people say and ask about a time line for healing, how many months? How many hours ? How many days? How many years? Well the truth is it’s not linear and there’s not a time frame that anyone can ever give you. Healing is a bumpy road, with turns, twists, hills and valleys. The road to healing is the road to processing and that road isn’t always easy or simple. With that being said healing can be slow or slower then one may want and that’s ok because slow healing should most definitely be celebrated and is amazing.

Celebrate yourself on your healing journey

There’s ways you can celebrate yourself on your healing journey. Here’s a couple that I like to share with clients.
Focus on your accomplishments and strengths even if there small steps
Let go of expectations and time frames and fully emerge yourself on your journey.
Give yourself a hug, a big kudos for the hard work you’ve done and how your continuing to work on you, even when it’s hard.
Take time for you. Take a moment to just reflect on yourself and how far you’ve come.
Journal your experience, journal your feelings and your journey.

Support system, get your tribe involved to also support you on accomplishments.

Recite mantras that acknowledge and support your journey. Here’s some examples:

I’m healing
I’m putting myself first
I believe in me
I can do this
I honor myself
I honor my journey
I’m doing great
I’m proud of me
I’m a work in progress
I deserve unconditional love
I love myself
I can do this
I will give myself the love and compassion I deserve
I will practice self love today
I will do something kind for myself today
I will love myself a little more today
I will listen to my body
I will dream big
I deserve happiness
I own who I am, perfectly imperfect
All steps are steps, whether moving in a fast pace or slow. Take time to celebrate yourself and the work you have done and how far you have come. We all need to start somewhere. Start today.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Summer Vibes and Self-Esteem


So summer is here and you want to enjoy the summer, have great self-esteem, but also feel the pressure of looking and feeling great, don’t we all?

Let’s talk about some tips on how to really enjoy the summer through building your self-esteem.

So it’s time for the pool and the beach and your dreading getting out or purchasing a new bathing suit. I have a proposal for you. Close your eyes and envision what you want the bathing suit to look like on you, be realistic. Open your eyes and begin to slowly see that transition in the mirror. You will come to see that your ideal place and the way you look are different but perhaps not as different as you imagined.

Self-esteem growth and that bathing suit

So we all want to look and feel healthy but the pressure doesn’t help us. So what I encourage you to do is organically begin to take night walks. Mindfulness walks where you begin to truly take in the beauty of the summer. At the end of the walk I want you to thank your body for allowing you to go on this walk. Try to do this a couple times a week.

Self- love mantra

Start a new self-love mantra; one that incorporates the summer vibe you want to have this year. Every morning wake up with setting the intention to feel this vibe and attain it throughout the day. Summer love.

Surround yourself with love

Lastly what I want you to do is surround yourself with people that you can show up authentically around. People that see you for you and love you for that. There’s no easier and better way to be part of a tribe that real, raw and authentic, in fact it’s liberating.
Enjoy this summer my friends
Sending summer vibes your way


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

How to Enjoy Life in the Moment with Mindfulness


Let’s talk about how we can slow down and begin to enjoy life in the moment through mindfulness. Often we become autopilot in life; working from one task to another. We one day look back and think where did the time go? Was I even there? It’s common and it’s a concern most of society experiences at one point or another in their lives. Mindfulness is one way to begin to slow down and really be apart of your experiences vs preparing for the future. Focus the emphasis on the here and now allows for individuals to fully see the moments in the moments. These exercises are fantastic ways to slow down and enjoy the moments.

Mindfulness Mediations

Meditation is one way to begin to enjoy life in the moment. Simply practicing meditation daily can begin to rewire the brain to be more present in the moments. Simply meditations, even a couple minutes can help to elicit this change. Check out our podcast meditations to start this regimen daily today:

Mindful Journaling

Mindful journaling is another way to enjoy the present vs focusing on the past or on the future. A simply way to start the mindful journaling is just journaling each evening before bed, journal about your day, what you enjoyed, what you recall and what you learned from the day. This simple yet extremely beneficial exercise can help one to become more present and mindful.

Another Mindfulness Exercise is Mindful Walks

I’m a big promoter of mindfulness walks. Take a walk, weather permitting and use your five senses to hear, see, smell, taste, touch that perhaps you never noticed before. You will be surprised by what you notice, maybe even a place you walk often but never noticed the color on the tree or the smell of flowers. Allow yourself to truly emerge into this mindfulness walk and use your five senses as your guide.

Mindfulness Therapy

Mindfulness therapy is also a practice that new day vitality provides. We can help you to live more mindful and enjoy the moments through building on skills and helpful tools. If interested in mindfulness therapy reach out to us today. We are honored to help.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Colette, Founder and Director of New Day Vitality


A black and white image of the word justice.It’s been sometime since I introduced myself and my practice on here 🌟 So here’s to really getting to know me 🌟 So you landed on this page and you’re here for a reason. I truly believe the universe connects us every step of the way. I’m Colette, Founder and Director of New Day Vitality. I’m a wife, a mom, a fur mom, an empath, a healer and a true lover of life. I’m not your average therapist. I practice what I preach and that’s authenticity. So I’ll probably curse at some point in session and keep it real, pure and honest. I believe being true to who I am is the least I can show up as for my clients considering they are showing me some of their most vulnerable places of themselves. I’ve dedicated more than a decade of life working as a therapist. Its one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given. This work is sacred, it’s meaningful, the fact that someone opens the door for my practice and I to be a part of their journey is truly an honor. Through my own hardships in life through childhood I have committed to being ‘that person’ to my clients. Your not just a client to me, your family, you’re a friend and I go above and beyond to support you. Life takes us in some crazy direction at times but being on this page is one that is meant to be. If your ready and seeking support reach out today. Myself and my tribe of clinicians are here for you. Remember unconditional love is life’s most powerful healer and that includes self love, investing in you, your mental health is providing unconditional love and believe me you deserve it. You are enough, always have been and always will be my friend lets get back to your inner warrior and strength and allow you to shine bright, because you deserve it. Let’s talk about the hard stuff, you have the power to change your story let’s heal and prioritize you.
Click on the link below to learn more about Colette Lopane Capella and New Day Vitality 🌟
#selflove #therapist #empath #compassion


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

The Tough Break Up


Breaking up is never easy. Even if your the one who broke up with your partner it doesn’t take away from the sadness of the significant chapter change.

I broke up with my partner, now what?

You broke up with your partner, you guys weren’t connecting anymore, you have different goals for your future or you just simply weren’t in love anymore, now what? So much time and energy was spent on this partner, where does that time go now?
First it’s important to focus on you. Focus on your healing from the split. Ask yourself the question, what do I need? Self care and self love should be your priority and doing things that bring you joy.

We broke up and now I feel lonely.

So you broke up and now feel lonely, what to do with your time?
Try first by doing things you enjoy, perhaps outings, hiking, even going to the broadway shows. If that doesn’t work, take on a new hobby, something that brings you interest and want to try. Get friends or family members involved as well, this way everyone can enjoy the new hobby.

I feel like I have no one to talk to after the break up.

Common, very common, often this is one the complaints someone will have directly after a break up. It’s important to utilize your support group, love ones who you can call and speak to. If you don’t find that connection there’s a bunch of online groups for others who are going through something similar. Joining a group can help to feel less alone and more validated.
Lastly if you are struggling after a break up and need professional support, reach out to a local psychotherapist. A therapist can help to support and guide you through the break up to a new found you and life.
If you or someone you know has recently had a break up and seeking support, give us a call today. We are honored to apart of the journey.
Check out this awesome mediation to help regulate emotions after a break up


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D