Get to know Colette Marcellus


Lean in : Get to know Colette Marcellus

A woman with long black hair and bangs.What motivates you to work hard?

Helping others reach their goals, providing support and tools to help others on their life journey is truly an honor.


What would you sing at Karaoke night?

Definitely an Elton John song. His sound track for The Lion King is one of my favorites.


If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Anywhere near a body of water, lakes, rivers, streams, the ocean, I love them all. I find them therapeutic and calming to the senses.

Does your family have a “motto” spoken or unspoken?

I would say, waking up each day with an attitude of gratitude and I try to incorporate this mantra daily.

What was your first job?

My first real job was as an assistant in a photography studio, primarily preparing people to take photographs for graduation, weddings, family photos.

What was your favorite subject in school?

Human behavior, I’ve always been fascinated by how biology and environment impacts experience and behavior.

Do you like or dislike surprises, why or why not?

I love pleasant surprises, when someone goes to the trouble of carefully planning a wonderful surprise, I am truly grateful and appreciate it.

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella