Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Setting and achieving goals


Goals goals goals. We all have them. But how do we set goals and achieve them?

First and foremost be realistic and reasonable.
Setting goals that are tangible and realistic is a way to practice self compassion and inspiration to continue to achieve goals.
Think about the result you want to see or be and work your way backwards.
Create a timeline, start small and have frequent check ins on your progress.
Hold yourself accountable for working towards your goals.
Try smart goals, The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Write your goals down

Write your goals now, psychology says when you write things down your 40% more likely to achieve it.
Manifest your goals. Set intentions to achieve your goals and manifest it into existence.
Create a vision board of goals. Have fun with it, draw it out, paint it out, cut outs from magazines, etc. Visualize it.
Tell someone, hold yourself accountable for achieving.
Re-evaluate and assess your progress throughout your time frame of working towards your goal.

Set your goals today and make it happen.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

How can we truly love ourselves while pregnant?


Trigger Warning: This post discusses pregnancy, body and hormonal shifts during pregnancy.


So, it”s great news, your pregnant. Your having and carrying a tiny human. You shared the news with family and friends, everyone is excited, everyone is happy for you.

But your not. Hmmmm

You question your response, you feel excited, but you also feel a world of emotions, mood swings and stress.

It”s normal, this is all normal. I can”t say that enough, I can”t validate your experience enough.

Society shares that we should only share and talk about the happy feelings, but what about the majority of the rest?


What about the mood swings? The hormonal shifts, the weight gain, the changes in everything. Let”s talk about that. Let”s validate that.

Here”s some tips on ways you can validate and own your experience.

Connect with others, others whom are pregnant or have been.

Share with those you feel safe with.

Practice self love.

Practice kindness.

Practice patience.

Practice healthy boundaries.

Say no when you need to.

Rest up.

Eat and make sure you drink enough water.

Stay active.

Practice mindfulness.

Join a support group.

If you are not already seeing a therapist, reaching out to a local therapist may also be beneficial. New Day Vitality is honored to help,


Create positive affirmations to support your journey and pregnancy. Here”s some examples:



I am

I believe

I feel

I know

My baby is

My body is open to

My body knows

My heart is

My labor is

My mind is open to

Birth is safe for my baby and me.

Contractions help to bring my baby to me.

I accept the help of others.

I am a good parent.

I am a strong person.

I know how to take care of myself in pregnancy.

I love my baby.

I will make the right decisions for my baby.

My baby feels my love.

My baby knows their true birthday.

My baby loves me.

My baby senses the peace and safety I feel.

My baby will be born at the perfect time.

My baby will find the perfect position for birth.

My baby’s head fits snugly into my pelvis.

My body knows how to give birth.

My body knows when to give birth.

My pregnant body is beautiful.

I accept my labor and birth.

I am surrounded by those who love, support, and respect me.

I know how to take care of my baby.

I trust my body.



Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Get to know Colette Marcellus


Lean in : Get to know Colette Marcellus

A woman with long black hair smiles for the camera.What motivates you to work hard?

Helping others reach their goals, providing support and tools to help others on their life journey is truly an honor.


What would you sing at Karaoke night?

Definitely an Elton John song. His sound track for The Lion King is one of my favorites.


If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Anywhere near a body of water, lakes, rivers, streams, the ocean, I love them all. I find them therapeutic and calming to the senses.

Does your family have a “motto” spoken or unspoken?

I would say, waking up each day with an attitude of gratitude and I try to incorporate this mantra daily.

What was your first job?

My first real job was as an assistant in a photography studio, primarily preparing people to take photographs for graduation, weddings, family photos.

What was your favorite subject in school?

Human behavior, I’ve always been fascinated by how biology and environment impacts experience and behavior.

Do you like or dislike surprises, why or why not?

I love pleasant surprises, when someone goes to the trouble of carefully planning a wonderful surprise, I am truly grateful and appreciate it.

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Summer summer summer time

Summer is here!

Are you excited? Are you feeling doom and gloom?

Getting in a bathing suit is ONE OF THE biggest fears I hear.

“Summer creeped on me and I don’t feel physically ready”

Summer is most definitely an exciting time and so much fun and wonderful things to do and take part in. But for many, the worries, the stressors begin.

How do you react? How do you feeling knowing summer is here?

If you’re feeling uncomfortable in your own skin with your body image this summer try out some of these awesome body positive mantras to help increase your self- confidence this summer.

Body Positive Affirmations

  1. I am accepting myself as I am right now.
  2. I am feeling good about myself.
  3. I am compassionate and warm to my body.
  4. My very existence makes the world a better place.
  5. I am beautiful.
  6. I love my body as it is.
  7. I give my body the respect it deserves.
  8. My body is my forever home and I am grateful for it.
  9. I feel great in my body!
  10. My body is a blessing.
  11. I appreciate my body for it gives me life.
  12. My body is perfect the way that it is and I honor it in this state.
  13. I am comfortable in my own skin.
  14. I am feeling fabulous and confident in my body.
  15. I promise to love and cherish my body.
  16. I am grateful for my body which lets me experience life.
  17. I bless my body with nutritious food.
  18. I listen to my body’s needs.
  19. I take care of my body.

Affirmations for body image

  1. My mind is a friend to my body.
  2. My mind is kind to my body.
  3. My body is a work of art.
  4. I love my body.
  5. I respect my body.
  6. I have a beautiful body.
  7. My body is perfect for me.
  8. My body is a miracle.
  9. I choose to be kind to my body

Affirmations for a healthy body

  1. My immune system is healthy and strong.
  2. I love and care for my body and it cares for me.
  3. I am my greatest well-wisher.
  4. I love my body for everything amazing it can do!
  5. My body knows how to heal itself.

Body positive mantras

  1. Love fills every inch of my skin and I feel the love inside my body.
  2. I love my body.
  3. It’s okay for me to like myself. It’s okay for me to love myself.
  4. It’s okay for me to feel good.
  5. I choose good health.
  6. My body radiates beautiful kindness.
  7. My body deserves immense love and care.
  8. I am thankful for my body’s strength.
  9. I can be a good example to other women and girls about how to love their bodies.
  10. I love and accept my body just as it is today.
  11. I am perfect, whole, and complete just the way I am.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

How to elicit a routine?

Some of us love routine. Some of us fight them to no end. But in the end psychology confirms that routine is extremely beneficial for our mental health and wellness. Let’s open up the secret benefits of having a routine.

First let’s discuss,

What’s the definition of routine?

According to Merriam-Webster defines routine as, “a commonplace or repetitious character; or relating to, or being in accordance with established procedure routine business.”

So why do we need routines?

What’s the benefit of having a routine?

Here’s some benefits of having a routine:

-Having control of your life because you have a structure or routine

-Having a routine can make your day go easier, start your day off on a good foot

-Routine lowers stress

-Routine in hand helps you get a better nights rest

-Routines give you more time to yourself because you have more structure

-Health benefits of having a routine

-Elicits creativity

-Elicits productivity

-Routine increases happiness

-More time for the fun stuff

-Improve and better interpersonal relationships, more time for you makes for time for friends

-Better focus and concentration

-More productive at work and within your career

According to

Here’s ways a routine can support your health:

“There are some things that you can make a part of your daily routine to help manage stress levels. These include:

  • Staying active and getting regular daily exercise
  • Making sure that you are well-rested
  • Eating healthy meals on a regular schedule
  • Setting realistic goals
  • Trying to stay positive
  • Preparing for challenges but not ruminating on things you can’t control
  • Staying in touch with friends and family members
  • Setting aside time for activities that you enjoy”

So now how do we create a routine?

According to Dr. Orma on

“How to create a great routine”

Dr. Orma has some advice: “Sit down with a pad of paper and write out everything you do each day over the course of a week. See what you can cut or reduce. Then see what you can set as a normal routine, something you do at a set time each day or week. It has to work with your lifestyle. If you like to stay up late, getting up early as part of your routine may not work.” Once you have your routine, give it a little time and it’ll start to feel like second nature but if you realize something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it. Sports psychologist Dr. Jim Taylor, an expert on the power of routine for athletes in training, tells me: “It can be worthwhile to alter routines periodically to keep things fresh and stimulating.” This is another secret bonus of routines: once you’ve established one, the merest of tweaks can totally revitalize your day.”

So now that we have defined routine, now we understand the benefits of it and how to implement it. So the question is are you ready to begin? I encourage to start a routine and regimen today, your body and mental health will thank you.

Learn more about New Day Vitality.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D