
Mother’s Day 2022


Mother’s Day

A black and white image of the word justice.

May 2022
By Colette


What a strange day for me. Even today, I’m not 100% how I feel about it. It use to be the pain, the sadness, the ill feeling that creeped up every year when the Mother’s Day decor started coming out, the painful reminder that my beautiful mother left this physical earth way to early. Followed by the happiness and gratitude of how lucky I was to have her, even for the short period I did. Followed by my Nanny, wow my nanny. The women that stood up to take on a job that now as a mother I can’t even envision, with such strength, such grace, such compassion, even after losing her own daughter she did it all. These two women shaped me in every single form. So the mesh of those emotions was what I felt for years. Many years. Then I became a therapist and an advocate for women, for mothers, the truest forms of warriors and I felt this over whelming emotion again to honor them; to thank them, to see them, all the warrior mothers around me. Today I am one, today I’m part of that very sacred tribe and I feel gratitude, I feel true honor. I’m grateful to my work and especially my boys for making this day easier, for making it joyful, for making it special as for so many years it was the pain. Although I do feel the pain, the magic of love of my boys helps ease it some. So cheers to the multitude of emotions I feel and validate today and the immense gratitude and love I have around me. My boys in every shape and form healed me, they made me whole again and to them I’m forever grateful, they chose me and that’s the greatest honor of my life. Wishing a very special Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. And to my two very own super hero’s in heaven, thank you, truly thank you because without you two strong, powerful women, I wouldn’t be me, I wouldn’t be a mother. Thank you for the greatest gift of my life.

To each, please honor however you feel today, whatever emotion it is, honor that.

With a very grateful heart, a mother.



Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella


How to be happy?

Some days we may feel down, out of it, and maybe even exhausted. However, all we really want out of this life is to be happy, right? So how can we be happy? Simple things can increase happiness in your life.

  • Exercise is one way to increase our happiness
  • Spend more time with the ones you love and that make you smile can increase you happiness
  • Give back or pay it forward can also increase the level of happiness
  • Mediate, practice mindfulness and ground yourself can increase you awareness, slow life down and increase happiness
  • Set a goal and achieve it, feeling good about achieving a special goal can improve your level of happiness

Every day we wake up we have a choice, to be or not to be happy, so start today, choose happiness and practice simple ways to increase it.

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella

Are There Things You Wished You Did? Create A Bucket List

Create a bucket list

Are there things you wished you did, or saw, or felt, or experienced? If the answer is yes, create your very own bucket list. This list can range from items or experiences you would like to accomplish or achieve on your own or with someone else. Skydiving, a color run, experiencing a different culture, going to Bali, studying aboard, learning how to surf, riding a camel, hiking a mountain, watching the sunrise with a friend or significant other, just about anything can hit your list. Do it for the enjoyment of the moment and fulfillment in your life. Plus planning these wonderful experiences is also always tons of fun. So today, create your list, make it fun, make it enjoyable, do it alone or get the whole family involved.

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella