
Healthy Boundaries

We all have heard about them. Some of us have practiced them. Sometimes they feel comfortable and necessary and sometimes they feel impossible to implement. Let’s jump in and talk about healthy boundaries.

What is a healthy boundary?

First let’s define healthy boundaries to get a better understanding of the meaning and concept.

According to a healthy boundary can be defined as the following

Setting boundaries means drawing a clear line for what people can and can’t say or do to you so that you don’t get taken advantage of. They’re like an instruction manual for your body and mind, with an extra little “handle with care” section on the first page. You use boundaries to make your own personal growth a priority, improve relationships and conserve emotional energy! Setting healthy boundaries means that you, your values for other people. You stand by your values and, in turn, respect other people’s boundaries. But, it is good to keep your boundaries flexible, because they may change over time if you decide to step out of your comfort zone. Healthy boundaries are in contrast to rigid boundaries where you tend to avoid intimacy and come off as detached. And, porous boundaries, which involve oversharing personal information and having trouble saying “no.’ But it’s totally normal to sometimes take on qualities from all of the above!

So now that we have defined healthy boundaries let’s discuss the different boundaries.

Types of boundaries

  • Personal Space: also known as your “bubble.”
  • Physical: what you like and don’t like in bed or with casual contact.
  • Emotional: your level of comfort with sharing what’s on your mind.
  • Material: how much you are willing to share certain things or possessions.
  • Time And Energy: how much you are comfortable giving to something or someone.
  • Intellectual: the topics you are and aren’t open to talking about (like politics).

Why are boundaries important?

Healthy boundaries are necessary components for self-care. Without boundaries, we feel depleted, taken advantage of, taken for granted, or intruded upon. Whether it’s in work or in our personal relationships, poor boundaries may lead to resentment, hurt, anger, and burnout. As explained in

Examples of ways to practice healthy boundaries

Saying no

Listening to your body

Doing what is in the best interest of you

Walking away from uncomfortable environments

Do self reflection

Make small steps and grow

Be consistent with boundaries

void social media

Be your biggest advocate and supporter

It might take some time and consideration to explore and decide the boundaries most important to you and the best ways to implement them, but your mental health will appreciate the effort in the long run. Begin to implement healthy boundaries in your life today, it’s necessary. Learn more:


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Tips on getting through the holidays when it feels like to much


So the holidays are coming up, how exciting?
But also stressful and to some not exciting at all.
The holidays can elicit a range of emotions for many, even weeks leading up.

Most importantly for holiday stress:

Honor your feelings and practice self-love, kindness, boundaries and patience with you self. This sounds simple but can be extremely hard.
Here we have come up with some helpful mantras to help lower holiday stress:
Use the ones you feel drawn to
I will practice kindness
I will be patient with myself, friends and family
I will practice healthy boundaries
I will say no when I need to
I will let go of my expectations specially the very high ones
I will remember the meaning of the holiday, release society standards
I will show love to myself and those around me
I will take it one moment at a time
If I need space if I need distance I will honor that
I will be kind to myself each second of the day
I give myself permission to slow down when I need it
I will practice mindfulness
I will practice self love
We are all connected in this universe
I miss love ones and I will honor that
I will practice gratitude
I will honor my budget
If I need a boundary between family and friends I will practice it
I will give myself the gift of kindness today
Also check out these awesome mantras for holidays stress from


1. I have control over how I feel, and I choose to feel at peace.

2. I give myself permission to let go of what no longer serves me.

3. It will get done.



4. I can make space for loneliness and practice being kind to myself.

5. We are all connected after all.

6. Loneliness will always pass.



7. I will always have enough.

8. Gratitude awakens the good in my life.

9. I give and receive with grace.



10. I open my heart and accept others as they are.

11. Stay present. Get grounded. I have nothing but love to give.

12. I choose uplifting encounters, and I have the power to remove myself from negative situations.



13. I am deserving and worthy of all good things.

14. I treat myself with love and respect.

15. I give myself permission to prioritize the things that bring me joy, creativity, and connection.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

The Tough Break Up


Breaking up is never easy. Even if your the one who broke up with your partner it doesn’t take away from the sadness of the significant chapter change.

I broke up with my partner, now what?

You broke up with your partner, you guys weren’t connecting anymore, you have different goals for your future or you just simply weren’t in love anymore, now what? So much time and energy was spent on this partner, where does that time go now?
First it’s important to focus on you. Focus on your healing from the split. Ask yourself the question, what do I need? Self care and self love should be your priority and doing things that bring you joy.

We broke up and now I feel lonely.

So you broke up and now feel lonely, what to do with your time?
Try first by doing things you enjoy, perhaps outings, hiking, even going to the broadway shows. If that doesn’t work, take on a new hobby, something that brings you interest and want to try. Get friends or family members involved as well, this way everyone can enjoy the new hobby.

I feel like I have no one to talk to after the break up.

Common, very common, often this is one the complaints someone will have directly after a break up. It’s important to utilize your support group, love ones who you can call and speak to. If you don’t find that connection there’s a bunch of online groups for others who are going through something similar. Joining a group can help to feel less alone and more validated.
Lastly if you are struggling after a break up and need professional support, reach out to a local psychotherapist. A therapist can help to support and guide you through the break up to a new found you and life.
If you or someone you know has recently had a break up and seeking support, give us a call today. We are honored to apart of the journey.
Check out this awesome mediation to help regulate emotions after a break up


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Mother’s Day 2022



Mother’s Day

A woman and two women holding a baby.

May 2022
By Colette


What a strange day for me. Even today, I’m not 100% how I feel about it. It use to be the pain, the sadness, the ill feeling that creeped up every year when the Mother’s Day decor started coming out, the painful reminder that my beautiful mother left this physical earth way to early. Followed by the happiness and gratitude of how lucky I was to have her, even for the short period I did. Followed by my Nanny, wow my nanny. The women that stood up to take on a job that now as a mother I can’t even envision, with such strength, such grace, such compassion, even after losing her own daughter she did it all. These two women shaped me in every single form. So the mesh of those emotions was what I felt for years. Many years. Then I became a therapist and an advocate for women, for mothers, the truest forms of warriors and I felt this over whelming emotion again to honor them; to thank them, to see them, all the warrior mothers around me. Today I am one, today I’m part of that very sacred tribe and I feel gratitude, I feel true honor. I’m grateful to my work and especially my boys for making this day easier, for making it joyful, for making it special as for so many years it was the pain. Although I do feel the pain, the magic of love of my boys helps ease it some. So cheers to the multitude of emotions I feel and validate today and the immense gratitude and love I have around me. My boys in every shape and form healed me, they made me whole again and to them I’m forever grateful, they chose me and that’s the greatest honor of my life. Wishing a very special Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. And to my two very own super hero’s in heaven, thank you, truly thank you because without you two strong, powerful women, I wouldn’t be me, I wouldn’t be a mother. Thank you for the greatest gift of my life.

To each, please honor however you feel today, whatever emotion it is, honor that.

With a very grateful heart, a mother.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Why So Many People are Not Merry and Bright Around the Holidays & it’s ok

Expectations, finances and sadness are high around the holidays for many and yet such a large group of people going through these emotions feel outcasted and misunderstood, making them feel more alone and disconnected. Let’s go through each aspect of turbulence that people may feel during the holidays.

Expectations: we are expected to be jolly, merry, bright and cheerful when truth be told we may hate our job, may be suffering from depression or still struggling to develop a self-love relationship with ourselves. December will not take away any struggles we have been dealing with for the other 11 months of the year and it is foolish to think otherwise. How are we expected to give so much to others at this time when we have not yet adequately discovered how to give to ourselves? Society is expecting our whole mindset to change in a snap and it is just not possible.

Finances: without being said, so much money is spent during this time, which first and foremost is bitter as it takes away from the point of the season: togetherness, love and appreciation. We chuck out big cash for emotional reward. Coming back to expectations, we spend all this money and put in so much effort to get someone a gift and we are returned with a simple” thank you” (or better yet to discover they returned it) …the emotional reward does not pair up to our mental effort, making us feel the effort was pointless and disappointing.

Sadness: accompanied by grief is common during the holidays. We reflect back on our childhood and are haunted by the fact that many of our loved ones are no longer here, making a time that was once special for us feel lonely and emotional. It may be difficult for us to appreciate the family and friends we do currently have in our life because we are a little extra focused on those who we no longer have at this time.

In case no one has told you: all these feelings and the 100 others you may be feeling right now are okay. I will repeat: these feelings you have are okay. Put a label and a name to your emotion, notice where it is rooted from. Rather than keep these thoughts to yourself, talk about these negative emotions because THAT is what will make you feel more connected to others at this time. You may assume the person on the other end will not “get” you, but you are likely to be surprised that they have similar feelings and having the conversation will draw you closer and more at peace: which is exactly what the holidays are meant to do for relationships to start with.

If you or a love one is having a difficult time around the holidays reach out to our staff today, we are honored to be apart of your journey. Psychotherapy and Counseling serving Westchester NY

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D