Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

How to live a happier, more fulfilling life


How do you live a happier more rewarding, fulfilling life?

Here’s some tips:
Work life balance
Celebrate the small stuff
Accept imperfections
Be creative
Get outdoors
Do what you love
Spend wisely
Live in the moment
Pay it forward
Listen to music
Enjoy good company

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

How do we slow down?


Life is hectic and busy. So how do we slow down?

Here’s some helpful tips on ways to slow down

Be present
Shut down your phone
Take breaks
Do something creative
Take on a new hobby
Ask for help
Create boundaries
Do things that make you happy
Practice silence
Progressive muscle relaxation
Get outside
Get moving, physically
Savor your coffee
Turn off alarms
Say no more often

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Healthy morning routine


How do we start the day off right?

How to create a healthy morning routine

Here’s some tips on how to start off the day right:
First, the night before ensure you’re getting enough sleep. Get to bed early and limit screen time, especially before bed.
Set an alarm
Have you ever woken up late? Then you rush around and feel completely off the entire day. Set an alarm, avoid the chaos.
Open the window
Allow natural light to flow into your space
Enjoy a nice full body stretch
Eat a healthy breakfast
Eat a healthy breakfast that fuels your mind and body.
Drink a glass of water, dehydration is a major cause of physically and emotional stress.
Deep breathing
Focus on your breathe
Ground and center yourself prior to beginning the day.

Go out and conquer the day

Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Summer loving evoke self-love this summer


Summer loving happened so fast
Summer loving had me a blast
Ok, all jokes and singing aside summer loves is a real thing and one that may just happen to you. So what do we look for in summer love?
How about you?
Summer love may or may not occur, but let’s change it up, let’s start and channel a new inner self love this summer, fall madly, deeply and truly in love with you.

How to love yourself

Self love
Here’s some quick and easy tips on how to elicit a new trend of summer love for you this summer:
Get to know yourself, really know you
Don’t compare
Be present
Honor your strengths
Allow yourself to vulnerable
Embrace growth
Show up authentically
Be honest with yourself
Be perfectly imperfectly
Forgive you self
Make having fun your priority
Practice gratitude
Feel all your feels
Write down your success
Manifest your goals
Dream big and then dream even bigger


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D

Talk to me


Talk to me about you
Talk to me about the sadness
Talk to me about the worry
Talk to me about the anxiety
Talk to me about the stress
Talk to me about the world
Talk to me about your relationship
Talk to me about your partner
Talk to me about work
Talk to me about life
Talk to me about your child/children
Talk to me about friends
Talk to me about family
Talk to me about school
Talk to me about happiness
Talk to me about gratitude
Talk to me about sickness
Talk to me about health
Talk to me about joy
Talk to me about love
Talk to me about kindness
Talk to me about anger
Talk to about fear
Talk to me about resentment
Talk to me about guilt
Talk to me about hopes
Talk to about dreams
Talk to me about spirituality
Talk to me about religion
Talk to me about politics
Talk to me about trauma
Talk to me about self esteem
Talk to me about self care
Talk to me about self love
Talk to me about pregnancy
Talk to me about marriage
Talk to me about failures
Talk to me about the universe
Talk to me about the planet
Talk to me about about nature
Talk to me about transitions
Talk to me about mental health
Talk to me about lgbtq support
Talk to me about personalities
Talk to me about racism
Talk to me about physical health
Talk to me about emotional health
Talk to me about stigmas
Talk to me about neglect
Talk to me about Black Lives Matter
Talk to me about infidelity
Talk to me about inconsistencies
Talk to me about evolution
Talk to me about holidays
Talk to me about motherhood
Talk to me about entrepreneurship
Talk to me about self image
Talk to me about eating
Talk to me about mind and body
Talk to me about awakenings
Talk to me about grief
Talk to me about soul searching
Talk to me about the past
Talk to me about the future
Talk to me about the present
Talk to me about your journey
Talk to me about your superpowers
Talk to me about empowerment
Talk to me about equality
Talk to me about parents
Talk to me about siblings
Talk to me about food
Talk to me about perinatal concerns
Talk to me about empaths
Talk to me about childhood
Talk to me about financial concerns
Talk to me about COVID
Talk to me about pre COVID
Talk to me about transformation
Talk to me about gender identity
Talk to me about gender dysphoria
Talk to me about postpartum
Talk to me about depression
Talk to me about anything, anything at all.
Talk to me to be heard, to be validated, to be seen.
My tribe and I are honored to be apart of your journey, wherever you are and wherever that takes you.
Call us today, talk to us; we’re here to listen.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D