Setting and achieving goals


Goals goals goals. We all have them. But how do we set goals and achieve them?

First and foremost be realistic and reasonable.
Setting goals that are tangible and realistic is a way to practice self compassion and inspiration to continue to achieve goals.
Think about the result you want to see or be and work your way backwards.
Create a timeline, start small and have frequent check ins on your progress.
Hold yourself accountable for working towards your goals.
Try smart goals, The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Write your goals down

Write your goals now, psychology says when you write things down your 40% more likely to achieve it.
Manifest your goals. Set intentions to achieve your goals and manifest it into existence.
Create a vision board of goals. Have fun with it, draw it out, paint it out, cut outs from magazines, etc. Visualize it.
Tell someone, hold yourself accountable for achieving.
Re-evaluate and assess your progress throughout your time frame of working towards your goal.

Set your goals today and make it happen.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella