The Empowerment Tribe


Some days are hard days, some days are full of magic. I asked some local moms to share some inspirational quotes that they want other moms in there tribe to hear for the hard days. Here’s the list below, I encourage each to read and use for those hard days.
I see you, I validate you, I stand by you,

For moms, from moms…

You got this.

This is just a moment it will pass.

You were made for this.

The days are long but the years are short.

Take a deep breath.

You are there everything.

Sometimes everything goes to s*it but then the pieces come back together.

You were born to be their mom.

Laugh through the chaos.

Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled, they are the ones that never gave up, despite the struggles.

Being a mom and seeing other moms just inspires me.

Call your husband and tell him he owes you.

Ride the waves.

Family is family.

Talk about it.

You are a very strong woman.

Your an inspiration.

It’s always a good day to have a good day.

You are the entire world.

You are my child and your safe.

Fake it till you feel ok again.

It’s all love, it’s all good, then laugh.

Focus on you for a second.

Walk away, throw water on your face and come back in as a new person.

It’s ok to laugh at the insanity.

My mom always told me, you are stronger then you believe.

Discover more of what you need.

Imagine if someone saw the craziest day in your house, imagine that and then laugh.

Talk about the way you feel.

It’s all worth it, even when it doesn’t feel that way.

Imagine what my mom went through; then call her.

It’s ok, it’s going to be ok.

You can do this.

Your child works on your energy, be cautious.

This child, this child is love.

I support you.

We are in this together.

Be kind.

There is no right way.

Call your best friend.

Turn the wounds into wisdom.

Forgive and show yourself love.

Take a break, do something nice for you.

Nothing is impossible.

Love and light.

Keep going.

I look up to you.

Your kids are your life, but you are there entire everything.

Love yourself, it’s that simple.

I’m learning more about myself in these hard moments.

Your strong then you think.

It’s ok to stop and ask for help. We all need it.

Life doesn’t come with a manual, everyday is something new to learn.

Being a mother is learning your strengths you didn’t know you had.

It gets easier.

You are brave.

Take sometime to enjoy the view even when it’s a wild one.

Put on the music and dance it out.

It’s a hard day, but only a day.

Push through.

Never give up.

This is the good days, believe it or not.

I love you.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella