I’m proud of you


I wanna take moment to acknowledge all those who fight battles each and everyday that no one has any idea about. I want to acknowledge how hard you fight to show up. I want to acknowledge all the work you put into yourself and those around you. I want to acknowledge that your inspiring.

I’m proud of you.

Proud that your trying.
Proud that your working.
Proud that your smiling.
Proud that your crying.
Proud that your evolving.
Proud that your authentic.
Proud that your loving.
Proud that your real.
Proud that your showing kindness.
Proud that your loved.
Proud that your you.
Proud that your showing up.
So on the hard days please note that I see you. I admire you. I stand beside you.
To all those showing up even on the hardest days, your a true warrior.


Posted by Colette Lopane-Capella, LMHC, D